Amber Cube Silver 925 Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"
Amber Cube Silver 925 Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"
Amber Cube Silver 925 Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"
Amber Cube Silver 925 Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"
Amber Cube Silver 925 Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"
Amber Cube Silver 925 Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"
Amber Cube Silver 925 Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"

Amber Cube Silver 925 Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"

Amber, amber bracelet for women, women's bracelet with amber
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Bracelet for women with natural Baltic Amber and silver 925. It has an accent handcrafted silver 925 medallion with sign of Spiral representing prosperity and growth. Amber diameter is from 6 mm to7 mm, amber is polished. All details in bracelet is silver 925.

Amber cleanses, soothes, and relaxes just like a calm sea and the warmth of the sun on heated sand. Amber teaches you to play and be happy, to let go of your fears and take off your masks, because the theme of amber is cleansing from everything that is not natural.

Amber is said to hold the heat of the sun, its energy and the stories told throughout the ages, as well as the depth of the sea and the playfulness of its waves.

One of the hypotheses states that the name of amber comes from the word "to protect" („ginti“ means "protect" in lithuanian, and amber is called "gintaras"), because amulets protect against diseases and misfortunes have been made from amber since ancient times.

Beads are strapped on strong, long lasting wire from US. 

Bracelet size is for wrists with size of 15,5 - 19,5 cm (from S to XL wrist)

Total weigh of bracelet is 8,5 g., silver weight in bracelet ~2,21 g

Jewelry is lovingly packaged in a gift box and comes with a list of amber qualities.  

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Dainius B.

O jei būtų neblizgūs kubeliai.

Dėkoju už įvertinimą! Šiuo metu asortimente poliruoti gintaro kubeliai, o iš nepoliruoto Baltijos gintaro (neblizgaus) asortimente yra apvalaus 8 mm ir tamsaus 6,5 mm diametro gintaro apyrankės moterims :)

Eglė G.

Ačiū už nuostabią gintarinę apyrankę.

Giedrė M.
Amber Silver Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"

Daili apyrankė, greitas pristatymas 🙂

Dalia M.
Amber Silver Adjustable Bracelet for Women "Sun Stories"

labai patiko! Ypač apyrankės visas įpakavimas, kaip visada:) Jaučiama pagarba klientui, kitiems reiktų pasimokyti iš Jūsu. Ačiū!!!!