Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"
Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"
Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"
Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"
Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"
Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"
Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"
Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"
Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"

Black Row Tourmaline Silver 925 Pendant with chain "Harmony"

Emotional balance, spiritual growth
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Pendant with chain for women with ~11 mm natural Black Tourmaline.

Tourmaline is especially appreciated by mineralogists. Researchers call them donors of the mineral kingdom radiating their energy outward. It is believed that tourmaline promotes spiritual growth, supplies the physical body with life force energy, provides emotional stability and intellectual acuity.

Silver 925. Total weigh of jewellery ~12,4 g.

Pendant comes with 45 cm silver chain and authentic Handmade Solid Sterling Silver medallion made of 925 silver. 

This jewelry is lovingly packaged in a gift box and comes with a list of stone’s qualities.

Stone Meaning

Protection, knowledge, rational thinking. This crystal provides a vital force for the growth of the spirit and the physical body. Black Tourmaline provides emotional stability and intellectual acuity.
Black stones symbolize self-control and the ability to quickly regain physical and spiritual strength. Help recognize your inner strength and choose its’ direction, as well as to recognize and analyze your mistakes. It gives the mental clarity of thought, concentration, a stance of position, self-control, develops patience, stamina and discipline. Promotes intellectual ability and creative practicality, logic, and rationality. Soothes emotions, tension, anger, revenge, jealousy, develops patience, stamina, discipline, and provides effective protection against any kind of negative exterior influences.
The American Indians worshiped this stone because they believed that using this crystal would protect from all spells. It shields the wearer and protects against negativity not only us but also our environment, especially in times of adversity. It redirects negative energy and helps maintain stability.
Not only does black tourmaline equalize and center the energies, it also excels at grounding. It helps those who are dreaming and unable to turn their dreams into reality or those who start many projects and are not able to finish them.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Evelina M.

Labai kokybiskí dirbiniai, gražus įpakavimas, greitas pristatymas ir malonus bendravimas. Pasitikiu tik Linasnaros dirbiniais, kai ieškau gaminių su natūraliais akmenimis. Rekomenduoju visiems.

delikatus ir originalus

labai patinka delikatumas, natūrali turamalino faktūra, tiesiog puikus!

Vida S.
Pakabukas su juodu turmalinu

Papuošalas subtilus, elegantiškas, labai gražiai atrodo pasikabinus. Viskas kokybiška, pradedant gaminiu, baigiant jo įpakavimu. Ačiū!

Diana J.
Turmalino pakabukas

Siuntą gavau labai greitai. Pakabukas kokybiškas, subtilus ir labai gražus!

Milda M.
Juodasis turmalinas

Papuošalas tarsi prigijo prie mano kūno. Patinka sidabro elegancija, dizainas, atrodo toks trapus, bet tuo pačiu stiprus, kaip voratinklio siūlas. Akmuo atrodo galingai ir grėsmingai, bet iš tiesų aš jo net nejaučiu. Darbas tobulas. Žavinga